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  • Joined May 17, 2017
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If you are not into gory stuff, I don't recommend watching this; although this anie is short, the amount of gore will disturb you if you are not a big fan of gore.


I was really disappointed when I found out that it was only 4 episodes, 5 episodes if you want to count the missing footage. I was actually really surprised on how well the animations were, better than what I expected. Although, being a huge fan of Corpse Party because of the video game, I probably would've liked it whether if the animations were as good as they made it or sub-par. But yeah being a fan because of the actual game, I did have certain expectations when I heard about this anime (Before finding out it was only 4 episodes). The story, honestly, I wished was just like or close enough to the actual game. I went through a lot of moments wondering why they changed A LOT of things, and for the sake of spoilers, I won't mention any. Also, I wished that it wasn't this short. I personally believe if they had made it based off the actual story, which would have made the series longer, it would've been better because going through the 4 episodes knowing that they missed a HUGE chunk from the actual story kind of made me sad. I willl give them credit though, the different scenarios that happened in the anime was surprising, since I plyaed the game, it wasn't something I expected to happen. Majority of the anime though is in the game itself, just like i said earlier, I just wished they made the anime similar to the game's story, instead of skipping through A LOT of things that would've made the anime much much better than what it is right now. Same goes for the ending, can't believe that happened instead.

This may sound like a bad review but really, it was good for what they made it to be. Sure, it would've been better if it was longer and more focused on the story and all that, but I give them credit for the work and effort they put in to make this. I love the characters, well majority of them haha. For those who played the game, you can't deny the fact that at one point you got connected to these characters even if it was just a tiny bit.

Anyways, animations was better than some animes out there, and the sounds were good. The reason I gave the story a 7 is because of what I said earlier. It needed more content, it needed the whole story to put all the pieces together, especially for those who havent played the game. The main reason why I fell in love with Corpse Party was not only for my love for the horror genre, but because the story was great, in my opinion at least. The story was honestly great if you know the whole story.

Overall, the anime I give a 9/10 as you can see. I would've given it a 10 in my book if it wasnt for the lack of content. Instead of jumping into scenes that overly progresses the story, I'd rather watch fillers inbetween them to build up the suspense especially in an anime like this. Other than that, everything else seemed to check out better than what I expected. Good anime, just wished it was longer, had more content, and was more related to the game.

7/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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