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  • Netherlands
  • Joined Jan 16, 2011
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Sword of the Stranger

Mar 23, 2019

First some items I need to adress. I'm Dutch to expect some spelling errors, if they are to annoying just message me and I'll fix it.

My opinion may vary from others and this is fine. People are different so there is a good chance that I will not like what you love. Deal with it. I'm not telling you that you should hate it too, I'm telling you why I didn't like it.

I'll try to keep swearing to a minimum but fail utterly on occasion. In general it is the more the anime pisses me off the more I swear so watch out for the low scored ones.

Art: Art is excellent. As usual the budget is higher for movies compared to series and it shows. It shines in the action scenes and you are never lost or wondering what is going on.

Sound: No real complaints actually, it's pretty ok. Voice actors are good and I don't remember any music either. This is how I generally prefer my anime.

Characters: The main character is Nanashi. Although a highly skilled swordsman he has sealed his blade. He hires himself as a bodyguard to Kotaro.

Kotaro is a young boy who is on the run from Ming dynasty warriors who are after him and will stop at nothing. He has a bit of a temper and has trouble trusting Nanashi as he is a sword for hire. The only one he cares for is his dog Tobimaru.

Tobimaru is Kotaro's dog and fiercely loyal. He is also very intelligent and it is thanks to him that Kotaru hires Nanashi.

Luo-Lang is the commander of the elite group of Ming warriors tasked with finding Kotaro. He is an expert swordsman who has never been defeated in combat and is bored by it all.

Story. After his parents died in China, Kotaro, is taken in by a monk and returns to Japan. His peaceful life doesn't last long though as Chinese warriors follow him to Japan and raid his monestary. Kotaro manages to flee and tries to reach the main temple. Along the way he meets a wandering swordsman called Nanashi and hires him as a bodyguard.

Rant. If you like your anime to have plenty of action and good characters than this is the one for you. Especially the fight at the end is epic and a must see.

I'm really hesitant to say more as I don't want to spoil to much.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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