thegirlontheclouds's avatar


  • Morioh-Cho
  • Joined Mar 31, 2021
  • 15 / F

Now, i know all of you are saying that Jihyun was a toxic guy that didn't deserve Chiwoo's love and bla bla bla. listen i personally hate Kyujin. Yeah, he's kind and i know you are all going to come at me for being toxic myself and shit like that, but Chiwoo and Jihyun actually knew each other first, being jealous is not toxicity (ok?), PLUS he FUCKING CHANGED and he was so much better. (i lowkey cried watching them seperate alright) plus they both liked each other then. I personally am hating the author for making that just a parallell univese shit and non canon. Come at me, IDGAF about that stupid bitch goody two shoes fucking ruiner Kyujin. Period.

5/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
4/10 overall
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BlueCotten22 Dec 13, 2023

Bruh, he raped him on the table full of shattered glass pieces. Imagine your best friend aka someone you love rapes you like this while not giving a shit about your physical and emotional pain. It's a betrayal in a whole new level.

Amatureweeb Feb 6, 2022 the creators note, the creator confirmed that he did rape him..