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  • Indiana
  • Joined Dec 4, 2019
  • 22 / M


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0jamaRainbow Nov 20, 2023

well i'm not usually one to look too deeply into voice actors but quickly scanning through his filmography and voice acting credit he's been in a fair few thing i've seen

0jamaRainbow Nov 20, 2023

in the cartoon? i did a quick google search and tom kane played ultron in the cartoon i'm talking about

0jamaRainbow Nov 20, 2023

from the cartoon? yeah i think one of the more memorable villains in the show. he's definatly played more machine-like in the cartoon then the AI wanting to be more human trope the MCU ultron had. plus his combat was very different in comparison to the MCU. if i remember correctly he managed to absorb all the current radiation in the hulks body forcing him to trasform back in to banner mid fight

0jamaRainbow Nov 20, 2023

thats alright. its just that ultron especially has tons of variations. even within the MCU we see the standard mcu version and then the alternate ultrons in multiverse of madness. the version of ultron i still really think of is from the cartoon avengers earth's mightiest heroes where hank pym was its primary creator.

0jamaRainbow Nov 20, 2023

it really depends on the context your talking about here? but 9/10 i'd probably say ultron