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Tokyo Ghoul √A

May 4, 2016

Keeps on adding characters but refuses to let any die. Instead they hang on by threads every time and survive.

Keeps on adding plot threads but refuses to close any of them by series end. Some are outright abandoned without explanation. We never see the Danny Trejo looking character from the prison ever again and it isn't explained who he is or why he is important. Nor why they had to fight.

Anime logic bends the space time continuum, characters who are running cannot seem to catch up to characters walking slowly as if in some dream state.

Scenes are drawn out far too long. We watch a building burning for multiple minutes. We get it, it's on fire. Move on.

Seems like they want to run this plot wise like Bleach, Naruto or One piece and never resolve anything but with the production and release schedule of a movie.

Just about as much of a non-ending as the first season and twice as infuriating. The ride was satisfying though.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
5.8/10 overall
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