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  • Joined Dec 28, 2016
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An Arranged Marriage is a type of marital union where a third party selects the bride and the groom, rather than the two future newlyweds selecting each other for love or other reasons. Characters in these anime face, or are in, an arranged marriage.

These anime showcase characters that are in training or have been trained by NASA, JAXA or some other space exploration organization to complete tasks outside of the confines of Earth, such as working on space stations or cleaning up debris in orbit. Unlike futuristic civilizations where travelling into the galaxy is commonplace, these anime take place in an era where space travel isn't easily accomplished by the general populace.

An autobiography is a story that recounts a person’s life, written by the person themselves. These anime are autobiographies that are either factual or fantastical in nature; even if the story is loosely based on the person’s life, it is marked as an autobiography.

These anime showcase the joys and hardships of falling in love, whether a schoolgirl has an unrequited crush on her senpai, a Love Triangle occurs within a group of friends, or rivals become lovers through competition or their intense passion for each other.