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Bloom Into You

Feb 17, 2019

Man, the opportunities for a true love story/love triangle really fell through the cracks on this one. Where to begin... First off, I feel like the story began too quickly. It's as if they skipped an episode or two and started on episode 3 as episode 1. The characters are very different from one another which is nice. They did not make this show with the idea of some raunchy lesbian fanservice to the audience. All of the scenes with intimacy felt authentic and true to the characters. That is one of the best aspects of the show, easily. However, even though the characters are quite mature for their age (14-16 years old), there are inconsistancies with their behaviour in terms of common sense. I was waiting for a eureka moment where the characters realized what they were doing wasn't right (not in terms of their sexual orientation, but rather their behaviour and attitude to their partner). It wasn't fair to the person in love. I waited alllllll the way through the entire season for someone to come to that realization... and it never happened. What the hell. You want drama and heart ache? You have to add that, or else you're left waiting. Which was my experience through this series. At one point I thought "maybe a sexual encounter is going to flip the switch", but nope. Didn't even get that. There has to be a hurdle... Also the ending was total shit. What the hell was that? I guess that's the "cliff-hanger" for next season. I'll watch, but I better get some more emotion in the series or I'm going to be disappointed. Again. The animation however was fantastic. No issues there. And the adult characters were fantastic. Overall, it could have been great, but it was just okay.

7/10 story
10/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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