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  • Joined Dec 1, 2015
  • 23 / F


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Majishan Jan 6, 2016

Hi Katie-chan! Or you prefer Kaitlyn-chan?

I want bore you until the death XDDDDD

Let's try. To begin a conversation with my battle as subject, is more easy for you watch this doc. "A must watch movie. It will definitely change your life for the better." as in description. This a present for you and your dreams, with a few of other reading, you can have an edge on the mass. Mass's thoughs: TO HAVE -> TO ACT -> TO BE. Personal growth's thoughts: TO BE -> TO ACT-> TO HAVE. And I am on TO ACT. But I haven't nothing yet. They will come.

I think there are concepts you have already accepted, at least in a subconscious way. But I want to hear your impressions.

You are in a band? How you learned and train with guitars? I broke my GH's guitar :-( And maybe also my eyes changes graduation

I love Scorpio. Even if you're a Libra. They recognize me and don't bite me! ;-) You have also a good value. And you can evaluate correctly what I link in this reply. Thank you!

I have a little sister. I pass her 3 years. The family is compact. Thank you! Also, if you want to talk about your/my real world, ask.

I had only a bit of experience more than you. At your age I was at your level. Can be only an idiot exercise and your approach change. But you must move your thought from your 2nd sentence at the full interactive process. Wanna know you more? :-) However, I began 15 conversation in this site, the openers are similar. result: 1 awesome conversation (who is the lucky?), 1 decent and 2 at the beginning. 11 are already dead. Are you good with math? :-)

For music, you can link me what you want. If I don't like, I tell you!

Let's sat this: the more I am old, the more I want to play at my chilhoold'game. My games are the same from a few years nowadays. I downloaded an emulator for PSP, Dos, NDS, Snes, MAme32 :-) (I don't know if when you was born, Dos system was still alive :-) Yestrerday I found this. It's mine!

But I want to give a try to OSU. And only for challenge you! From youtube I don't understand: keyboard + mouse or I need another pen?

Majishan Jan 2, 2016

You can ask me what you want. Ask your questions:


0. My name is Fabio (Fbj). Call me how you want. This account should be a ghost account and I used a new username (it's comes from this trailer). And yes the index/railgun universe is awesome :-) only a little bit boring at the beginning


1. I played GH3.



It's funny to use gif, isn't it? :-) I haven't a musical instruction, but guitars must be the coolest.


2. When children my grandparents had a campaign. I grow up with animals. A lot of dogs (a phenomenal doberman when i was 6 years old, a war machine) a few cats, rabbits and hens. At home there's much place for a cats. And now i haven't a pet. But I love animals dogs and cats at the same.


3. For anime, period by period. When children, about summer 2010- summer 2011 and last summer 2014- today (about). 2years and half.


4. Green: My eyes and hope. Then blue and red


5. Tigers and lions (both my zodiac signs) dolphins and horses. I was born 8 august 86. fantasy: dragon i guess


6. Personality is the most interesting question. ISFJ is a little bit bland. I love grow and make grow other people. A representative quote: 


"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." - John Adams


If you want, I tell you what I study :-) but can be boring.


I can be seem cool, but isn't the truth. Probably I was selfish and greedy and iper-competitive one time, I made tons of errors but maybe I learned something. You seem have a lot of potential. You have half my age. My life has changed when I known personal growth, and when I fixed my lifetime targets. My targets, not other's targets. This change takes my some energies. I hope you can reach your dreams, whatever they are.


Let's go on. Sorry, but I'm an idiot, or your parents are divorced? How are you?


For anime, if I already watched the show, i can tell you my impressions. If you want watch a show we haven't watched yet, tell me please :-) It would be nice :-)


For music, I'm the last. Can be everything, but emotional or catchy (as I said nothing :-)). I like last track you send me. Nice!


If you want talk with someone about gaming (3ds) and music (but also anime), I think Konaizumi is a better match. Friendly and sweet. She always reply to you. For gaming I use emulator, if you want play at other console ask me :-) But not 3ds sorry. Emulators not working yet.

Majishan Jan 2, 2016

Thank you Katie-chan! For the new year and my profile

I just want to show you my favorites :-) Your "flags" ;-)

For gif/jpg

1) search in my comments on 3 december 

2) [xxx][/xxx]

where replace "xxx" with "img" (and you paste the image's link you want)

NB You don't see it in preview. If you want, you can leave a comment for try it then delete the comment. Ok?

I'm confident :-)