nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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Goddammit, creators!! Stop messing with my emotions! Giving me glimpses of hope only to shatter them with some new reminder of how fatalistic this world is. I remember that in the first season we were introduced to the idea of Danoh being able to make small, subtle changes to the author's plans. And that idea is still technically continued, but it isn't used in any interesting ways. There is a sequence where the characters apparently altered the events of the fourth volume, but honestly what exactly they altered and how that process worked wasn't conveyed very clearly. I got the broad strokes, but the specifics were vague. Though that type of vagueness around how things work has been there all along (e.g. there are both storyboards and finished volumes...and the finished volumes exist within the world itself, which is still being worked on). I wish they did more to highlight interesting ways the characters rebel against the creators (during the heads). The love triangle with Kyung is kinda interesting, because of how Danoh's forced to play out romantic scenes with fem even though fe actually likes Haru. They did a few backstories, including an unexpected one of the fairy guy which introduced a new concept into the setting (a concept which ends up becoming very relevant in the ending of the series). The artwork is glossy but horribly stiff. 

5/10 story
4/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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