nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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It has a nice introductory chapter that properly got me invested in the main character and the story. The basic premise and trajectory of the story aren't horribly unique, but the storytelling itself is compelling enough that it draws you in despite that. Our protagonist, Yuuki, lacks common sense in the ways of human interactions, which can at times make fem come across as a bit dense (though that's not a major part of feir personality). For the most part, fe actually seems to strategize and think things through. Fe is superior to those around fem (largely because of feir magical blood), but isn't very interested in showing off feir strength and has to be thrust into situations where others are able to witness feir excellence. Fe has the goal of finding out the specifics of what took place at feir old village in the past 200 years and fe also has the vague goal of wanting to learn to integrate with human society better. But personally I don't think that either of those goals have the strength to be a pole on which the series can rest. Instead, I imagine it'll meander through tropespace, having fem do some adventuring and attend some sort of academy while gaining friends and allies (and potentially girls for a harem). It's possible some sort of evil organization (likely the remnants of the Elysium temple) will act as central antagonists throughout this meandering, and maybe defeating that organization will become feir de facto overarching goal. Though, honestly, based on the foreshadowing I've picked up on so far, I think the series instends to sustain itself by making the history which Yuuki uncovers be hypersignificant and personally relevant. I guess we'll see how it goes. I can't say I'm disinterested in what's to come. Even if it is retreating some overused tropes, at least it seems to be doing so with good pacing and framing.

[Reviewed at chapter 10]

7/10 story
6/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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