nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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Great pacing and exposition--really makes it easy to read. And the story feels unique and not bogged down with cliches or anything. And the characters are lovable and feel pretty genuine. And it has an interesting enough premise, and deals with the idea of coping with a loved one's death in a way that isn't overly depressing or overly preachy. The basic idea involves Takeru finding a portal to a parallel universe where feir dead friend is still alive. But there are also other differences in that other world, like some other non-Takuya people being dead instead, which make Takeru feel that fe doesn't really belong there. By seeing how this other world operates, fe does gain an appreciation for some people in town and in feir class that fe hadn't paid much attention to previously. At first, it's just Takeru traveling back and forth between worlds, but eventually a couple others also get involved. Lessons about collective grief and acceptance of the tragic parts of life are learned.

It has loose and simple linework. Which can make it look a bit sloppy, but I honestly like it pretty well. The paneling is well done, and angles are switched up frequently enough that things don't get overly stale even as there is very little going on in the backgrounds. The faces are expressive and the characters feel distinct enough from one another. There are some weirdly sharp noses.

8/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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