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Demon’s Harem

Aug 13, 2020

Once upon a time, there was a girl with a pure and selfless heart who was able to see all sorts of supernatural entities. Any time fe saw spirits or whatnot in distress, fe would try feir best to help them. But one day fe helped a demon and a fallen angel and they both fell in love with fem and feir purity and spent every free moment hanging around fem. Will these two underworld denizens be able to protect fem from the runaway demon of lust or will feir good nature finally be corrupted?

I actually find the two major premises of this manga to be equally stupid. Kanna's "purity" is too extreme and makes fem an uninteresting character. And the demons fall in love with fem too easily and too deeply and that makes them uninteresting characters. The story's also pretty bland, possibly because none of the characters are interesting.

2/10 story
7/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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