nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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There are only two chapters, but I don't think the second one was pulling its weight. The first one was pretty funny--with its unexpected cruelty and twisted view of causing happiness.

It's interesting how over the centuries these concepts of angels and demons/devils have solidified into distinct creature types, to the point that it feels ironic to have an "evil angel" character. 'Cause if you go back to the source material, the devil was literally an angel whose only differentiating characteristic was that fe was evil. In other words, if there wasn't a pop culture idea of angels which has diverged from the source material, the idea of an evil angel would simply be synonymous with the idea of a devil and this premise wouldn't make any sense.

3/10 story
5/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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