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  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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Legit: if they had made this already short series just a little bit shorter and ended it after chapter two, I would have rated it as a 10/10. I thoroughly enjoyed the way they revealed the nature of the Treasures. I also liked the hard work and grit that Kashin showed, and I found the humbling character arc that Yuuko went through to be interesting. And it's not as though ending it there would interrupt anything; the manga's already split into three distinct plotlines. Chapters one and two follow Kashin and Yuuno, chapter three follows the twins Sei and Sou, and chapters four and five follow Fukko, Ageha (the prehistoric gyaru), and "Meat." These girls find Treasures, at times after going on a quest to The Tower to find them, which help solve problems they've had. Themes of friendship and diligence pervade. The stories after chapter two still have the nice artwork, decent characters, and cool action scenes, but their plots don't feel as strong. Part of that is that the world is less fresh after the reveal in chapter two. They try to make up for that by focusing on how primitive societies develop superstitions and folklore out of things they don't fully understand, but I think they play around too much with coincidences (especially surrounding Fukko). 

8/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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