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Junai Strip

May 5, 2020

This should definitely have the "Explicit Sex" tag, or at the very least "Sexual Content." The first chapter limits itself to some groping, but chapters two and three are built around the premise that Hamano can't concentrate on studying because Yagami is too busy pushing fem into having intercourse while fe's supposed to be tutoring fem. And every time fe has sex, fe forgets everything fe had memorized up to that point. Several times, Yagami declares that fe will withhold from having sex with fem until fe passes the entrance exam to feir high school, but then almost immediately starts groping fem again. Yagami's character traits are that fe's a natural genius, but with only perverted things on feir mind. And fe's supposedly attractive and "cool," but I can only see fem as childish and immature. Fe seems like the jealous, possessive type who only has a loose understanding of consent. There's a scene where fe molests fem in front of feir classmates just to mark feir territory (which is super gross) and for some reason Hamano's ex-boyfriend interprets feir actions as "cool." Hamano's character traits are that fe's a girl with glasses, but fe's not smart...I'm serious, that seems to be what they wanted feir defining characteristic to be. And the fact that fe wears glasses is meant to be un-cute, but what era is this that glasses are seen as inherently un-cute? One of the characters literally judges Yagami for "thinking that a girl in glasses is cute."

Considering that very little productive studying actually took place, I suppose the ending makes some sense. But it makes a mockery of all the effort Hamano had put in up to that point and makes it feel as though fe's just an appendage to the great Yagami. Seeing Yagami's total failure at cross-dressing was a pretty funny moment though.

4/10 story
1/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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