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Law of the Devil

Mar 26, 2020

As far as I can tell, after peeling away all the side-stories and subplots and tangents upon tangents, the main goal Du Wei is trying to achieve is to stargaze? Apparently this story is about fem wanting to replicate a telescope using magic, maybe? I dunno. That feels weirdly mundane, so maybe I got confused somewhere along the way. The trajectory of the story definitely isn't made very clear. And the entire first chapter feels like it's missing a lot of exposition and explanation which might help explain feir motives. Does fe care that fe was called a retard? Was fe hoping to be called a retard? Was it all an act? I literally don't exactly know. Needless to say, I don't understand Du Wei's motives. And I find Wei Wei's stuttering more aggravating than endearing. And nobody else even comes close to having their characters fleshed out. The art is also pretty sloppy and mediocre. The fight scenes and monsters especially don't look good. But this manhua might've had a fighting chance of being interesting if there was a clear structure to the story--if I knew why these adventures were happening. And it definitely doesn't help that it ended abruptly with no wrap up or anything.

1/10 story
2/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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kvr1550 Oct 8, 2020

The issue is this is adapted from a novel and it's not well adapted at all xD The novel is pretty great