nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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Their fated meeting is so ridiculous it becomes funny, and adorable. And it's definitely not cliched, probably because it would only work well with a same-sex pairing (since they'd need the same name).

Both Kakimoto Imari's are a bit lonely and use the same horoscope website. They both want to be friends with each other, but are awkward and fumbly about it. And they both have inferiority complexes and think they don't deserve to be with the other. I love seeing them breaking through the emotional walls and showing acceptance and empathy for each other rather than judgment.

It's a little unclear whether they end up dating or as close friends. In the last few pages, Imari says "Why don't we try and solve this together? Or figure out a next step if that doesn't work?" To me, that didn't sound like little Imari wanting a romantic relationship, but more fem wanting to remain emotionally close despite big Imari potentially feeling sexual tension. So that was my initial interpretation, but that became muddied when little Imari (in the extra short stories) refers to femself as the "husband" in the relationship. That being said, relationships don't always need to be labeled, so as long as they're happy it doesn't really matter (though clear communication about expectations and boundaries should be going on, and I'm not sure whether it is or not).

7/10 story
3/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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