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Nov 12, 2019

Ono is asked out by two twins on the same day and fe separately agrees to date each of them. When they find out about this, they confront fem and fe says fe wants to date them both. They reluctantly agree, but with the understanding that eventually fe'll have to choose one of them to settle down with. (I don't understand why fe has to choose. If the girls aren't comfortable with being one of two girlfriends then they shouldn't date fem, because fe clearly wants both of them.) There is a sense of rivalry between the sisters as they try to get closer to fem emotionally and physically. Waka especially is willing to demean femself and do whatever Ono wants, which then pushes Haru to not want to fall behind and also demean femself. These girls are disgustingly subservient.

What Ono wants from them is for them to model in erotic poses, so fe can use the pictures as reference material for feir erotic manga. Fe's an ero-mangaka. This manga uses that setting to include medleys of standalone erotic drawings within the larger storyline during scenes where Ono is taking pictures of them. There is nudity and a lot of underwear shots as well as some sexual fantasies.

3/10 story
5/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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