nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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This manga is based on the simple premise of a girl, Mie, forgetting or otherwise being unable to wear feir glasses and Komura, who has a crush on fem, trying to help fem out. Each chapter examines different problems that could occur from fem essentially being blind and the ensuing awkwardness.

It's supposed to be endearing watching Komura awkwardly interact with feir crush as fe seems to have no sense of personal space without feir glasses. But honestly, it just feels bland. The "drama" doesn't end up evoking any type of emotion or reaction in me as I'm reading it. It just sort of exists. And the longer this singular premise is stretched out, the less interesting it seems to become.

[Reviewed at chapter 13]

1/10 story
3/10 art
2/10 characters
1/10 overall
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