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  • Tevyat
  • Joined Oct 28, 2020
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Your Romance

Dec 5, 2020

Another good but underrated webtoon TvT  (Might contain spoilers so be careful!)

When I first saw the characters (especially Gyulwoo) it gave me a 'Love is an Illusion' vibe, but as I read on it became a unique vibe and I adore the art style (◠‿◠)/   As a minor, I've always wondered how hard the adult world would be and this really opened my eye. It's really not as easy as it seems and sometimes you'd miss your school life. I really wonder what happened to Doyun tho. Hope the other can release side stories about the other couple and Doyun ^w^  I've seen some people hate on Woohae but he's my fav UwU  The guy just handled the situation poorly. Dont blame him tho, I would've done the same or maybe even worse ⊙﹏⊙∥  Overall this was wholesome (expect those scenes but still....) Recommend everyone to read it!

10/10 story
9/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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