knaecke's avatar


  • Germany
  • Joined Sep 3, 2002
  • 40 / M

Someday I'll get around to actually write something in here.

For now it has to suffice to say that I started out with anime but over the years became more of a manga fan. So most of the time I devote to Japanese media is spent reading rather than watching.

Another reason my anime collection hasn't grown much in the last years is that I simply don't find the time for it anymore and somehow the general quality of anime series seems to have dropped, too. Not much of what comes out nowadays gets me interested like it did, say, 3 or 4 years ago.

On top of that, most of what's on Japanese TV nowadays that I would indeed like to watch is an animation of a manga I already read or would like to read. And I (generally) just prefer the manga versions (needless to say, only provided that the manga is actually the original).

Most of the series you see on my "Won't Watch" list are such cases which doesn't mean that I don't like the series as such but rather the anime version of it.

Well, uhh, seems I wrote something after all ...

Watched: Well, basically what you would expect. I've seen it.

Watching: I'm currently watching it on a regular basis.

Want to Watch: I'm still in the process of getting my hands on a copy of the series/film. This status generally means a series has no western release (or fansub .. or raw for that matter), or that I'm just too poor to afford - or too lazy to find - it .. but plan to ... eventually.

Stalled: Could mean a) I have a copy but not yet found the time to watch it, or b) I (temporarily) lost interest in a series and it became unavailable in the time it took me to get interested again. Either because it got licensed or because I simply can't find a fansub on the net anymore. So I'll either have to wait for a commercial release or get someone to tell me where to get it by other means.

Dropped: Again two cases: a) I pretty definitely lost interest in the series and stopped watching it. b) I gave up to ever finish it because it got licensed and I will not get a copy of the series or film on DVD.

Won't Watch: Like above, at the moment I mostly use this list to store anime adaptations of manga I don't want to see, because I don't think they can do the manga version justice. I might change my mind someday, though.

0-1 Star: I regret wasting time on this ...

1-2: Didn't really enjoy it.

2,5-3: Average. Might not be my taste, though.

3,5-4: Good. Generally means I liked the show except for a few (sometimes small) things to nitpick about.

4,5: Great show.

5: Masterpiece. Nothing else to say.

Life on anime

  • 18 Minutes
  • 0 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 4 Weeks
  • 3 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

593 total

Life on manga

  • 35 Minutes
  • 8 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 3 Weeks
  • 1 Month
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

346 total


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noor1224 Mar 9, 2019

 You know best website to watch anime is if you are looking for a anime you can try find it here 

sothis Apr 24, 2008

I too was unimpressed with To Love-Ru :p

Alita Jan 14, 2008

Manu is im StudiVZ, weil Toki sie hingeschleppt hat ;)

Ich weiß wie Baki heißt hehe .... nein ich sags nicht ~ mein Geheimnis! :P 

MrParadise Dec 2, 2007

Mit den Foren gehts mir genauso. Eine Woche ist man aktiv und dann gleich wieder für ein Jahr keine Lust mehr. Dachte mehr so an diese Stalker Paradise wie StudiVZ oder so. Da ist Manu jetzt sogar auch drin :D

Ich hatte ja schon die Idee gehabt dich da zu suchen..aber da fiel mir ein ich kenn nichtmal deinen Nachnamen :p

MrParadise Dec 1, 2007

aber echt mal..wo trifft man dich sonst noch an?