jediuser's avatar


  • Joined Dec 5, 2010
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I'm back, baby. To start, I've finally seen the much-maligned film by Hayao Miyazaki's son, and I do think it's unfair to uphold it to the high standards set by his father. So, I'm going to go right ahead and the revieew to see how I think it holds up on its own. And for the record, here's an updated personal top 10 Japanese cartoons:

10. My Hero Academia

9. Den-Noh Coil

8. Death Note

7. Dragon Ball (the original, not DBZ)

6. Gurren Lagann

5. Cowboy Bebop

4. Black Lagoon

3. Full Metal Panic!

2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

1. Trigun (still the champ)

Honorable mention:

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9 total

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Sheex Oct 3, 2020

Hey man, thanks for the kind words! Sorry for the delayed response, things have been chaotic for the last few months for me and haven't really checked the site much. I enjoyed your Earthsea review, you've convinced me to steer clear of that one (it's been loosely on my list for...a long time.) Usually I am not too big a fan of touching on all the off-screen director drama, but I think you kept the length and depth of it done well to the point where I actually didn't mind. I've seen a lot of reviews over the years which tend to go way overboard on this sort of thing to the point where it feels like the reviewer is just circle-jerking their "anime knowledge" for social cred points. I think there's a time and a place for such discussion, but it should be relatively limited and needs to be treated with a deft hand. Talking about Shinkai, Miyazaki, Ghilbi, etc are good examples of this with just how prolific they are, but even then it can be hit or miss.

I try to be extremely pragmatic with my assessments -- to convey a gut feeling backed with enough premise to give someone a similar instinctual leaning as to what I thought about a show's delivery. Probably a byproduct of being an engineer and not a writer haha. I know exactly what clunky, cliquey story delivery is like, and I felt like your review conveyed that general premise very well which is precisely what I look for when determining whether or not to watch something. Kudos, keep up the good work!

cassiesheepgirl Mar 15, 2012

I started playing Okamiden and was enjoying it but then edned up kind of stalling on it so I've yet to finish. Really should finish it at some point. I think part of the reason I stalled is because you keep changing companions. While it's kinda cool at first, I still prefer to keep one constant.

FalseDawn Nov 3, 2011

Yeah, that sounds about right to me :D

I can only assume Vivisqueen didn't change it because she felt it was the right score for it. I personally don't feel it needs changing at all because from the mix of responses she's had, it looks like she was spot on.

FalseDawn Nov 1, 2011

I'd actually give a slightly lower score than Vivisqueen because I think she was a little generous at times, but the gist of what I felt was bad about it is in there, so I feel no need to retread the ground on that one :D

cassiesheepgirl Oct 7, 2011

The guy in my avatar is Yaichi from Sarai ya Goyou (House of Five Leaves).



Rather good series, one of my favourites from 2010. :)