issi's avatar


  • Chile
  • Joined May 31, 2014
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Ludols Oct 14, 2016

Piacere di conoscerti, Isi! :3 Io sto bene, grazie, a parte un po' di sonno perché stamattina mi sono svegliata presto c.c Tu come stai? 

No no, ho studiato lingue al liceo (qui in Italia ci sono diversi tipi di licei ed io sono andata ad un liceo linguistico) e adesso sto continuando a studiare lingue all'università. Sto studiando per diventare traduttrice e interprete :3 Comunque il tuo italiano è perfetto per adesso, davvero! *O* E capisco come ti senti per il tedesco... Anche io lo trovo davvero difficile da capire c.c 

Tu cosa studi all'università? :3 

Ludols Oct 14, 2016

Hi! :D Thank you so much for following me and nice to meet you, I'm Ludovica but you can call me Lu :3 

Anyway, yes I really love foreign languages! I know english, spanish and french and I'm currently learning german at college :3 What about you? Are you learning a language at the moment? 

Of course I can help you! Next time I will write in italian and if you don't understand something just tell me and I'll explain it to you! :3 

wolfbankai Oct 13, 2016

Thanks for that I guess xD Your profile is nice & simple, albeit I don't get those difficult words, haha~

Hmm, how do you usually kill your boredom? :0 I'm fine, bored as well.

Noticed you speak Spanish, I'm learning it at the moment >_<

Jmonk Oct 13, 2016

Really? Thanks。My Chrome doesn't have problem though... using Internet Explorer, picture is displayed at mistaken place.

Clicking the picture put under a big picture, expanded picture is displayed. And clicking outside of it, expanded picture is deleted.

VlN Oct 12, 2016

I'd love to be friends :D Let's about about stuff! Your profile is so gorgeous and neat, my god! It's the coolest profile I've ever seen here!

I read that you don't like comedy anime! You don't like to laugh?! ;o

Feel free to ask anything, and good luck with eveything!

(How do you make gifs appear? ^_^")


First of all, thanks for following me, I'm following you back. xx

Thanks for the compliment. ^_^

Nah, I like to laugh, I just don't usually enjoy sounds based around comedy... I normally don't find them funny and nothing really unexpected happens, I'm more into action anime... There's nothing wrong with comedy, though. If you like them, kudos to you. :D

Sure, I can tell you how. :D

You want to use this link anytime you want to insert an image/gif:

  • [*img]EnterImageLinkHere[*/img]

For instance, you want to find an image/gif that you want. Then, you copy the image link and paste it where I typed "EnterImageLinkHere." After that, just take out the asterisks (*) and then you are done. :D

The image/gif doesn't show when you are typing your comment, but when you post your comment you should see it.

I hope this helped you. If you are still having trouble, feel free to write me again. ^_^