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Lunn wa Kaze no Naka

Jun 13, 2016

Synopsis: Akira isn't that great in school, and he's often teased. One day, he takes an underpass and finds an advertisement for coffee. When the cute girl on the poster starts talking to him, he decides to take the poster with him. He then spends the year looking for the girl in the poster.

Story: Ah, boys and their posters. Truly, a love story more beautiful than words can describe. In reality, this feels like a case study for anti-social behavior. And the ending just is. There's some surprise to the twist, but the follow up is completely unrealistic. 

Animation: Tezuka is the grandfather of anime. This is fully his style of animation. Nice lines, overly round faces, cute eyes. 

Sound: I found Lunn's voice to be a bit grating, but that's the only qualm I had with the sound.

characters: Can a poster have character depth? I'm pretty sure Lunn's personality is completely based on Akira's inability to relate to his classmates. Akira himself is rather flat as a character, although he does show some development in his search for Lunn's model. Everyone else is more or less background noise.

overall: Is this worth seeing? Yes and No. Yes, because it's a short introduction to Tezuka's work. No, the plot is silly and doesn't resolve very well. 

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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