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  • Eastern United States
  • Joined Apr 17, 2011
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Arcana Famiglia is a single-season anime based on a visual novel series by the same name. The story revolves around Felicita, the daughter of the family's Papa, and soon-to-be-bride of the winner of the Arcana Duello. Felicita, like many in her family, has made a contract with a Tarot card that gives her special abilities.  

The lowest score for this anime has to come from the story. But it's not really the anime's fault. It's the game on which the anime is based. The game centers on Felicita, and her emotions. So, while the other characters are tackling some major backstory, Felicita is still trying to befriend the rest of the Arcana family. So, while everyone has these awesome powers, they are barely showcased because no one wants to use their powers on the boss's daughter. If the anime had deviated from the game and run with the powers aspect, the show might have had a much better story, in my opinion. Personally, I would have liked to see the middle generation's (Debito, Pace, and Laca) stories expanded. 

The animation is clean and neatly put together. I mean just look at Debito and his face. 


I'm one of those that skips through the opening and endings of anime because I'm rude. Thus, I don't have a lot to say about the music. I will say that I didn't feel any of the background music wasn't suited for the situation. It fit together well. 

I feel the characters were not given the full treatment by the story. All of them feel slightly incomplete, whether because the backstories weren't fully explained or something else, I'm not sure. But from what there is in the anime, the characters are likeable and dynamic. 

Overall, I was slightly disappointed in the anime, but I still liked it. 

5/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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