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Azusa Will Help!

Mar 28, 2010


The Story in Azusa will Help! seems on the surface to be a half way decent story, but a closer look reveals how it isn't that great. There where several key moments in the plot that just happended for no reason. It seems to me that the story was hurried through at some parts, and it makes it less comprehensible. However, there was a decent plot that was given enough time to make sure that it was explained well enough so that you do not have to stop and say "What the...?". The originality of the idea of robots playing baseball is not that new, but the maid robot playing baseball is in my experience. Another thing is that I felt that there were moments when the storyline seemed too tacky and kind of stupid. Overall it had an ok story.


The animation didn't look all that spectacular, but it didn't look completely terrible. I did enjoy some of the glimpses of the new technology there. The robots did not look all that original and neither did the other characters. It kind of had a bland environment around it.


The characters seemed stereotypical at points and there wasn't a whole lot of depth in any of the characters. The only backstory you receive is for the main character and his grandpa, and all you learn about the main character is that he pooped himself on the mound once and now he will never pitch again. The characteristics of most of the character have been done much better by other animes.


Azusa Will Help is just a generally bland anime, with bland backgrounds and bland characters. But it did have a comprehensible story. Not the best choice for the next anime to watch, but if you are bored then why not?

5/10 story
4/10 animation
?/10 sound
5/10 characters
4.5/10 overall
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