dingdong69's avatar


  • Joined Sep 12, 2021
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Please do take the content warnings seriously, there are many mentions of abuse and eating disorder. 

It has been a while since I've seen a Main Character this complex in Otome Isekai, which is quite a breath of fresh air. This manhwa really shows just how trauma can affect a person so much despite looking 'alright' on the outside. Which is our MC, who was abused both in her previous life and in the current one by her own family members.

Because of the abuse she went through in her original life, she developed anorexia, which seems to have carried on in the new one as well since we hardly see her eat, even through there are plenty of dining scenes. Her only way to protect herself is to act dumb and innocent, all while knowing everyone around is ploting against her. 

ML seems to be a dickhead from the beginning but he slowly softens up as he interacts more with MC. There are some mystery components in the plot as well, which just makes me want to read more and find out what is happening.

Art is especially gorgeous, all the characters are drawn beautifully and the monster designs are amazing as well. 

8/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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