danthemuffinman's avatar


  • Joined Jan 13, 2015
  • 25 / M

Huge huge huge disappointment to DBZ nerds. However, most people don't really care that much, because most people who watched it aren't DBZ nerds.

The animation and visuals are GREAT. All the colors are bright, and the fighting is even better, fluid and intense, just the way I like my DBZ.

The dubbed characters are AMAZING. Goku's voice actor is back and better than ever, and the final battle with Beerus is the HIGHLIGHT of the whole thing, EASILY. 

The story is okay... it's the whole "new powerful guy blah blah destroy the earth blah blah gotta be stronger blah blah". Super Saiyan god is cool... but I really don't see what they can do with it in the future...

Sound: Soundtrack is great, I knew Flow were amazing, but not THIS good. They redid the DBZ song, and did their new "Hero" song, which brings me CHILLS when I watch that final battle with Goku and Beerus. The other sound effects are crystal clear and unique, 

Characters: I like the addition of original Dragonball characters... but honestly, half the people who watched it aren't DBZ nerds, and haven't even heard of Dragonball.

Overall: I liked it, but I still don't understand one thing... How can Buu hold out longer than Mystic Gohan? We'll never know. How can SSJ Vegeta hold out LONGER than Mystic Gohan? We'll never know. HOW CAN BUU, WHO IS THE EQUIVALENT OF SSJ3 HOLD OUT LONGER THAN MYSYIC GOHAN, AND MYSTIC USED TO BE THE STRONGEST BEFORE SSJG APPEARED?


Also, Berrus' strongest opponent, next to Goku, was totally Broly.

6/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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