crazyworld's avatar


  • Joined Jul 6, 2015
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Initially I thought Queen's Blade was rather dull watching the first few episodes. Then it got to episode 5 and quite frankly, I'm glad I decided to give this anime another go. It surprised me with how well told the story is. The characters are very endearing and the animation is great. Initially it had disappointed me, but then redeemed itself by delving into it's potential and the results showed. While still flawed it told it's story magnificently and then it hit home. I honestly am glad I decided to delve into it further, I did it with Fractale and that sadly still fell short, but this didn't. It hit home (especially episodes 9 - 12).

Unless you hate ecchi, you should give this a shot.

9/10 story
7.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
7.1/10 overall
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