charvisioku's avatar


  • Manchester, UK
  • Joined Nov 12, 2012
  • 31 / F

My favourite types of anime are shounen, alternate world/universe, comedy, sci-fi and fantasy. Least favourites are ecchi, harem/reverse harem (there are definitely exceptions but the format usually bugs me) and sports anime (except Air Gear).

My 'life spent on anime' count is pathetic at the moment, mostly due to my internet always being terrible T_T

I'm a bit of a Death Note fan - I have L tattooed onto my leg and have watched it a few times (although I found the manga incredibly dull about half way through and onwards), but I found the third arc badly done and overly long. The new characters felt more like replacements for old ones, and although the ending was brilliant, there could have been a lot of changes made to the events leading to it.

When I rate, it's basically:

9-10 ==> Everyone should watch at least once, amazing.

7-8 ==> Really good, highly recommend.

6 ==> Above average but you'll probably only enjoy it if it's your kind of genre to start with.

4-5 ==> Forgettable or has boring episodes, but definitely worth watching.

2-3 ==> If you're hardcore otaku or you love this genre, you might like it.... otherwise don't bother.

0-1 ==> Forget it. It's dreadful. It needs to be burnt to the ground.

I play League of Legends whenever I have access to a computer; support Soraka is my speciality xD my summoner name is the same as my username on here if anyone fancies a match sometime :)

Life on anime

  • 16 Minutes
  • 11 Hours
  • 6 Days
  • 3 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

60 total

Life on manga

  • 25 Minutes
  • 3 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 0 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

10 total

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I'm not a fan of these characters

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okami31 Aug 11, 2015

But other anime at least sell the tactics as smarter, such as the better Gundam series or Code Geass.

Otaku108 Mar 7, 2013

That's pretty much how I got started on A-P as well, originally I was trying to type them all down onto a notepad file lol, that got... cluttered quickly. xD then sothis convinced me that I should try this site she'd been working on for a few years. been here off and on ever since.

Also, I'm having trouble placing your avatar, I know I recognize it...

Anyway, yet another complement you pay me despite the difference in opinions and taste it seems. I humbly thank you for such kind words, thou now I wonder if you're trying to butter me up for something xP lol j/k

Looks like I'm gonna have to stalk your reviews now too thou, lets see how different our tastes really are xD

Otaku108 Mar 5, 2013

Wow... thank you so much for your comment to my Soul Eater review. It's rare that I meet people with opposing opinions but an amicable attitude about it. It's true that people tend to crucify me for it but at this point I've gotten used to it and appreciate people such as yourself all the more. It's also true that my review is probably too harsh but because those were my feelings at the time I wrote the review, I won't touch it. Sadly, it's not my only review like this and those do tend to draw the flamers. Still,I do have some reviews well liked/received so I'm not the devil like some commentators have professed xD lol

Either way, it seems I'm also the first person to leave you a message so I guess this means I get to say: Welcome to A-P! XD you have now joined the ranks in a rather small group of people that I've personally gotten to welcome first x) you feel honored and privileged, I understand. No no, there is no need to thank me...

lol, I know it's not the best welcome ever but hey, if I didn't at least get a laugh I bet there's a smile. if not, *shrugs* I tried.

Anyway, thx again
