byebyeap's avatar


  • Joined Jul 9, 2019
  • 18 / Other

These characters wear their hair tied up in two distinct sections, also known as twin-tails. They might also have Hair Drills.

These characters are humans or human-like beings, such as Elves, with pointy ears.

These characters wear their hair in a single ponytail. Characters that have two ponytails are tagged with Pigtails. A single ponytail can be a Hair Drill.

These characters have perpetually pink or red cheeks.

These characters are quiet, reserved, and don't handle social interactions well. They can be easily flustered and will often run and hide from overwhelming encounters.

These characters are the sole caregivers of a child. They might be the biological parent, an adopted parent, or simply a primary caretaker.

Sleepyheads are borderline narcoleptic, capable of falling asleep at a moment's notice and prone to oversleeping.

These characters have a single fang that protrudes from their mouth. Characters with this design are often cute and Mischievous.

Tomboys are girls that prefer to exhibit characteristics typically associated with boys. This might include wearing masculine clothes, referring to themselves using masculine speech or engaging in games or activities usually associated with boys.

Rough and tough exterior - soft, sweet, nougaty center. A Tsundere is a character who is or appears conflicted in their affection for another, seeming either interested or apathetic, dismissive, or even vicious in turns as the circumstances change.