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  • Joined Aug 23, 2018
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Nov 26, 2022

Wow. Where do I start?

This was a huge disappointment.

The first 7 episodes were textbook queer-bait, with very little payoff in the end. 

The "rules" that were stated about spirit-shadows were all broken by the 10th episode, and most of the plotline/engines of the world were not even explained.

The main characters were alluded to have been lovers in their past lives, but then later we find out they're not the same people? Even though they look almost exactly alike? Then why does one desperately love and protect the other? There's no motivation for that.

Action scenes that should have been there were cut or animated poorly.

And one past character turned evil for no good reason, but then the past characters switched and the good one became evil all of a sudden and then a new character appears that looks like the two of them combined? Does reading this confuse you? Because that's exactly what happened. During the last 3 episodes all I could think is "What the fuck is happening?"

I don't know if it was poorly translated english sub text, or if the writing was terrible, but this show completely tanked in the final few episodes. It was beyond confusing, nothing was explained, the main characters had no motivation for the immediate devotion depicted, and the background story with the family coux was super confusing and arbitrary.

Ugh, what a waste of time.

I give it a 2 for the kiss.

1/10 story
5/10 animation
7/10 sound
4/10 characters
2/10 overall
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