birdlandmemories's avatar


  • Oriole Park at Camden Yards
  • Joined Dec 17, 2019
  • 23 / M

These characters frequently analyze people, objects or situations for the sake of concocting a strategy, whether they're trying to solve a crime, determining how to win a military battle, or figuring out the best way to win a game.

Announcers narrate a specific event in an anime or manga, such as describing a play-by-play analysis of a fight or sporting event.

Athletes partake in Sports activities. This covers the likes of Baseball Players, Soccer Players, Basketball Players, Tennis Players, Track and Fielders, and more!

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Baseball.

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Basketball.

These characters are scientifically classified as birds. Tweet tweet!

Like their Kuudere counterparts, these characters are calm and quiet on the outside, but on the inside they are often antisocial, and fear being embarrassed or judged negatively in social situations. Once their guard is down, they can let their love or other emotions show.

Dark-skinned characters have complexions that range from moderately tanned to very dark brown.

Disc jockeys, or DJs, mix music as part of a live performance, whether at a club or on the radio. These characters are professional or hobbyist DJs.

If there is a silver lining in any situation, these characters will find it. And there's always a bright side for these characters.

Whether it's to seal their power, cover a missing eye, or because they're a swashbuckling Pirate, these characters sport the most hardcore of headgear: an eye patch.

These characters have distinct facial markings. The markings must be a permanent part of the character's appearance, and are not Scars, Tattoos, Moles, birthmarks, or facial makeup.

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Football.

These characters wear any form of hat on their head.

These characters wear a headband: a band of fabric worn around the head.

Characters with Heterochromia have two eyes of different iris colors.

Librarians look after a large collection of books, and facilitate temporarily loaning titles in the catalog to library members.

Merchants sell products and wares from a physical location or as a travelling salesman.

These characters work at a part-time job, such a a clerk at a Convenience Store, a waitress at a Restaurant, or a salesperson at a shop.

Shinigami, also known as death gods, are mysterious figures that interact with the dead or the soon-to-be deparated. These beings may assist souls in passing to another world by arriving to lend a helping hand at the moment a person dies, or might maliciously divert a passing soul for their own motives. Shinigami are Agents of the Afterlife.

These characters are quiet, reserved, and don't handle social interactions well. They can be easily flustered and will often run and hide from overwhelming encounters.

Sleepyheads are borderline narcoleptic, capable of falling asleep at a moment's notice and prone to oversleeping.

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Soccer, also known as Football.

These eight-legged characters are scientifically classified as a spider.

These characters have an intense love of sweets, from candy, to chocolates, to cake, or other desserts.