beckyouterspace's avatar


  • Venus
  • Joined Oct 13, 2021
  • 29 / F

Hello there!

I adore thought-provoking, heartwarming and heart-wrenching stories with beautifully drawn landscapes. 

Also, I have a bad habit of hoarding more & more titles into my watchlist. 


 - noticeably bad

Basically nothing works: poor technical & audiovisual qualities, plot, dialogue, no message etc. If you're looking for character development or originality, you won't find it in this category. Brutally problematic implementation of an idea that might have worked but failed to do so.

☆☆  - poor with potential

Poorly written, animated & produced. Relies on overused concepts or uses disturbing content only for shock value, yet manages to either have some comedic value or a vague message. Basically the B-movie category (which has some gems in it ngl). If the show has constant poorly placed fillers, it'll have hard time getting more than 1.5-2.5 stars from me.

☆☆☆ - enjoyable, yet average

Worth the watch/read, but fails to offer originality or depth. Maybe the characters are quite one-note, or there's poorly animated parts, or the plot is same old same old. Yet the overall experience was enjoyable and the show has strong rewatch potential. The 'OK' category.

☆☆☆☆ - great!!

Cohesive & internally consinstent storyline. Has thought-provoking and interesting elements. Skillfully directed with a pace/tempo that creates a suitable rhytm for the story. The music supports the story so well that it might make you check out the soundtrack.

☆☆☆☆☆ - masterpiece<3

Beautifully made with a well tought trough plot structure and a message that leaves you "!!!". On top of everything listed on the 4 stars category, these have perfected the way to create emotion and to connect with the audience. An experience not to sleep on. 

Life on anime

  • 1 Minute
  • 23 Hours
  • 5 Days
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

60 total

Life on manga

  • 30 Minutes
  • 11 Hours
  • 6 Days
  • 1 Week
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

40 total

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I'm not a fan of these characters

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OkamiHime95 Dec 21, 2021

Well, my strategy for the bingo challenge is to primarily watch short things like OVA's, specials, and anime's with the "Short episodes" or "Shorts" tags, but they have to be 12 - 15 minutes minimum in total runtime. (According to the challenge rules.) Otherwise, I try to stick to 12-13 episode anime's unless I get a "Watch a 20+ episode anime" square lol. XD
Oof! Yeah, there's still a lot of long Shounen's I still haven't finished yet either. *Cough*BleachOnePieceandHunterxHunter*Cough*

I hope one day you're able to play them too. :D When/if you end up liking Baldur's Gate, there's also Champions of Norrath, and Champions: Return to Arms.

s0to Dec 19, 2021

Yes that is true sadly, the art and design business is a tough one. You really have to work a lot compared to what you get paid in the end. And then it can sometimes be a hassle to actually get your money, especially if you're self-employed. It's quite common for example that a client tells you that they can't pay you in money but in 'exposure'. But every job has its downsides I think; if I truly loved the work I would have been fine with working more. However, all it really did was, that I started to despise drawing altogether. The industry is just very insincere and of course you can't hold it against a company if they want to sell a lot of their products, but it was more or less my choice whether or not I wanted to be part of it all. 

Haha, well I really hope I'll be one of the cool teachers - I'll do my best, though sometimes you just have to be strict. I'm probably still too nice sometimes ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ But I think it's most important to work for and with instead of against the children. Some people I met who also study education told me that they actually don't really like children - honestly I don't get why you would choose that line of work then... 

Yes, I also think it's nice to work remotely. But I also really miss seeing my friends and just all the events at universtiy. Sure, you can do a lot of it online too, but it is really is not the same. Same with Christmas right now - I really miss going to a Christmas market and just looking at all the different stalls. 

No idea if it is interesting to you, but I recently listened to the Ace Attorney Jazz cover album again (maybe you know the series?) and well maybe you'll like it (link )

OkamiHime95 Dec 17, 2021

Mainly Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 for the original Xbox (the one that literally looks like a big X lol) and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but I did a little replay of Champions of Norrath for the PS2 on the side. :) I'm bad at explaining plots/what games & such are about, but Baldur's Gate and Champions of Norrath are technically set in the same universe, and are fantasy games that are loosely D&D based. One day I want to get back into Skyrim or Monster Rancher, but those types of games when I get back into them, take up a BUNCH of my time like anime currently does, so I'll have to wait until anime isn't a primary focus for me. 

I'm in a bunch of anime challenges/games here on A-P that require you to watch a lot of anime (and some of them you only have a certain amount of time to finish stuff), so that's mainly why anime's been such a huge focus for me lol. It's fun, and I feel proud and satisfied when I go up in rank, but...Idk how to word it. I don't want to say that I'm starting to get burned out on anime, since like I said, I AM enjoying them for the most part, but part of me wants to finally finish the 2 Asian drama's I've been watching (both are around 50 episodes long, and one of them I started last year lol o_o ), and start on some new ones that have caught my eye.

stardust2222 Dec 17, 2021

PS don't worry I will tell you what the movie is like if it's good or bad

stardust2222 Dec 17, 2021

ok that is fine I already finished my semester because i only take one class at a time