barbrastreisand's avatar


  • Joined Feb 24, 2015
  • 27 / F

Comfort food

my anime equivalent of comfort food: 'cause we all need something sweet, familiar, delicious and heartwarming for those spells of sour moodiness. These are all-time favorites that make me feel snug as a bug in a rug, which are...

My husbandos

In making this list I'm just now realising I have a blatantly obvious type (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)

Seinen & Psychological genre gems

Come down the rabbit hole with me on a dark trip through my favorite seinen, psychological, mystery and suspense series. The common element among these is a titillating intellectual journey through themes that I find endlessly...

Shounen that never fails to get my heart racing

Old favorite hero journeys I turn to when I'm in urgent need of a rush of excitement and the joy of power escalation, momentum and awe-inspiring strength of character in the face of adversity

Unforgettable romances

Love stories I've never been able to get out of my mind, leaving ripples in my heart long after I've watched them; months and even years later they continue to resurface in my mind.