animelover2514's avatar


  • United Kingdom
  • Joined Oct 21, 2020
  • 20 / F

I’m Quitting Heroing

Jul 7, 2022

The anime was great in my opinion. Not many would agree with me but it showed the hero's life after he saved the humnas and how he still couldn't stop saving them even though there was no need. The anime was great in that aspect it even showed how a hero can turn evil, while trying to save humanty. Leo the MC was saving the humanty for 3000 years, who wouln't get sick and go crazy if there were in his place and were trying to save humanty but they don't need saving as nothing bad goes on. So, you try to create some on your own.  I'm saying great thing for this anime as i barely give a 5 star rating to... See full review

8/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
9.5/10 overall

In Another World With My Smartphone

Oct 13, 2021

The anime wasn't that bad but it would have been thought up better. There was just too much of misunderstandings happening between the Mc and the girls. 
Like the smallest things happens and one of them just explodes into jealousy mode. It was a tad too much.😅  The way the animation was great as it had some great designs. Eh, I don't want to say on this really im not an expert but I didn't dislike the it was made so... yeah. Some of you that watch it may not like it but that is fine. All of us have our own thoughts and opinions. Or others that want to watch it don't be swayed from... See full review

5/10 story
10/10 animation
6/10 sound
5.5/10 characters
7/10 overall

Skate-Leading Stars

May 2, 2021

It was a great anime given the fact I don't really enjoy watching skating. Somehow this anime made it so interesting for me, that I enjoyed it. The characters were good there was great development to the main character as well as his teammates. I was so invested in the anime that I finished it in just a couple of hours when usually even if the anime has ep 12 I still complete it over two days. This somewhat of a record to me.  I hope you will enjoy the anime as much as I did.

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9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall