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Seluias Nov 20, 2017


Ahh Yuru yuri, sounds a bit like shoujo-ai? It's so funny because I recently watched a Shounen-ai series for the first time (and I thought I wouldn't like it but I was curious), turns out I really liked it and it was also really funny lol. But I also came to the obvious conclusion that mainly girls watch Shounen-ai and mainly guys Shoujo-ai...Duhhhhh

Anyways, I always have my kind of different periods where I like certain types of anime. For example, sometimes I'm really in the mood to watch something dark, sometimes I watch something full of action, then something slow, and sometimes just something romantic and funny, and then again sometimes something very aestethic or otherworldly like from Ghibli. Really depends! I also pause  a lot of things if I don't feel like it for a while. For example, I still need to finish watching Attack on Titan season 2, but I just can't handle the cruelty and gore at the moment haha. Did you watch it?

Recently I finished watching 2 Shounen-ai series, so now I'm a bit done with the romantic/funny stuff, so at the moment I'm watching Natsume Yuujinchou which is reaaally good. Very peaceful, not something you binge watch. It's a bit similar to Mushishi (which I'm also still watching, but in a very slow pace).

But I still want to watch something with a bit more action again, so I'm just browsing recomandations and related animes etc.

Seluias Nov 14, 2017

Ahhhh had a deadline today, so finally a liiiiittle bit more time to chill for a bit (false actually, I should just continue working on the pile of work I have to do, but for now that's ok).

I think I might go to see Kimi no na wa this weekend again, I'm excited to see it on the big screen, must have a bigger and more immersed impact I guess.

You watching anything else at the moment? Any new series? It's always so hard when you finished binge watching a series, and then you just feel empty haha. That's what i'm having right now, looking for a new thing to watch (tbh I'm sure that by the time you reply I've found something again).

Seluias Nov 9, 2017

Heya!! God, so sorry for my incredibly late replies I have been terribly busy past weeks!

But AHHH so nice that you finally got to see it!! And yes! Like I told you haha a really emotional story, but so beautiful indeed. Just the fact that they get to know eachother in such a touching (but also funny!) way, and this whole feeling of looking for something but you don't know what, is so well portrayed. Also because it's very recognizable in a way, since that's what life and love is about I guess.

And yes omg I was so scared for the ending but I thought it was a really good ending. It leaves room for imagination :)

It's finally out here in movie theaters as well (late much??), so I think I'm going to re-watch it as well, just to have seen it on the big screen etc. Because the animation/sound and detailing is AMAZING, like wow they put so much effort in it.

Seluias Oct 25, 2017

I'm alright! Been through a bit of shit past couple of months but it's ok, I'm dealing with it at the moment, so I'll be fine for sure.

And ahh! What a coincidence! Sounds good though, couple of weeks is very doable. Tbh I watched it online, since it was uploaded in a very high quality (bc that movie cannot be seen in anything but high quality so good job on that). In my country it's still quite alright to stream and download, although you always have to be careful, but yeahh.

I actually haven't seen the girl who leaped through time, should watch it soon, a classic like you mentioned (:
I suppose it's a bit similar yes. But yeah definitely give ERASED a try, it's pretty unique and cinematographically very well executed.

And ahh yeah SAO is nice! A bit overhyped and blablabla, but definitely worth watching! I only watched the first season though, still need to watch the 2nd season and the movie. But I still have soooo many other things on my watchlist and I'm also quite busy with my studies etcetc.

Seluias Oct 19, 2017

Hey! A while ago! Was just wondering if you watched Kimi no nawa by now? Haha.
If so, what'd you think?

Also, have you by any chance seen ERASED? I just finished it and can't help but wanting to watch something similar, so idk if you know anything?