animeandwwefanDXXD's avatar


  • Australia
  • Joined Sep 10, 2011
  • 30 / M

Fav stuff : Anime and Pro Wrestling!!!! - WWE, USA Indies, and the Australian Pro Wrestling Scene!!!! - 

1st Ever Anime: Pokemon of course! lol

1st "Actual Anime, Anime" - Girls Bravo!!!! ;P (even though most people regard it as a plotless ecchi/harem anime for the most part, being my first anime i checked it out for the ecchi il'l admit (lol) but then actually started watching it properly and just fell for the the entire show and the artform (anime) in general! that said in my opinion i still maintain that the charachters actually had real emotions, personalities, depth, and much more! :) :P

Favourite Anime of All TIME! - Tie between Girls Bravo and Zero No Tsukaima :P

1st subbed anime - Samurai Girls (decent show, still havent gotten around to watching the sequel of it now 5 or so years later lol X(

Other fav shows aka - "I wish there was more anime Like":

- Porco Rosso

- Spirited Away

- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

- Zero No Tsukaima

- Tiger and Bunny

- Toradora

- One Piece (preferably shorter though??? lol still never watched past the "baroque works" arc)

Currently watching: Random Ghilbi Films, any other random anime on a sporadic basis lol

Display Pic - Kazaharu Fukuyama from Girls Bravo ;)

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Seluias Jan 9, 2018

Yeah the Ancient magus bride's pretty cool, and YES I had exactly the same hahaha, I also thought of Barry the chopper haha. This guy is not as brutal and crazy though. Although... he does have a very badass side, but I'll leave that for you to discover if you're ever gonna watch it hehe.

And yes, I think Death Note is like an almost classic anime? I know from my friends that watch anime that that's always kind of a first one people watch (and ofc all the really big shows like Naruto, One Piece, FMA, Bleach, Gintama, etc). Anyways, if you start with it, let me know what you think!

And thank you!! Sounds like you had a nice new year's eve! Always good to be with friends and/or family. I remember when I was a bit younger I used to go out to crazy party's and really plan everything, but honestly now I prefer just having a cosy night, and having couple of drinks together. So this year I just spend my time with my family first, and then afterwards I totally unexpectedly ended up at a houseparty with a friend of mine, which was quite fun :)

At the moment I'm really busy though, I have my endterm in a month, so need to finish all my projects, and then start graduating!

Seluias Jan 3, 2018

I think I might start One punch man soon as well! I've only heard good things about it, and I think I might be in the mood for some comical/chibi over the top stuff, together with some action, so sounds like I should just watch it haha.

Oh! and I've recently discovered a new series, that's apparently (I really had no clue but found out later) REALLY popular, it's called The Ancient Magus bride and it's reaaaaaally good so far! Still ongoing, which is quite annoying (I normally just wait until the series is finished), but yeah it has this fantasy theme almost a little bit comparable to Ghibli, and it's about magic and spirits, with a bit of romance/slice of life.

And about all the live actions: yeah I have to admit that most of them are pretty shit. I think they should just stop it, or do it with their VERY own interpretation, because it's just nearly impossible to catch the same spirit real japanese animes have.

And wait, you never saw Death Note???? You should! That was one of the first anime series I ever watched haha. But seriously, it's pretty damn good! You'll get drawn into it very easily haha.

ALSO: Happy newyear! :)

Seluias Dec 17, 2017

Late response once again haha. Hope you're well?

Anyways! Yes!! Still watching FMAB, I'm at approx episode 30 now haha. I kinda went quite fast at the beginning (as it's just very good and action packed), but now I'm trying to watch it in a somewhat slower pace as otherwise it'll be over too fast heheeee.

And yes gotta love the Mustang dude. And yes, saw the epic battle between him and Lust!! Crazy! Also the insane battle between Ling, (or whatever that dude from the Xing dynasty or something), and Edward and Envy. And then how Ling turned into Greed: so epic, I'm wondering what'll happen next.

And ahh you finished one punch man? I will give that a go at some point yes, like you said, those kind of series you really have to be in the mood for since it's quite intense haha.

Remember when I told you about ERASED? I just discovered Netflix released a live-action series of it!!! Trailer looked very dissapointing, as usual with live-actions based of animes. They should REALLY stop doing those tbh. Didn't see Death Note, but the trailer already seemed like a pure shitshow. Such a shame, because I have the feeling anime's getting a bad rep bc of this.

Seluias Nov 23, 2017

Yeahhh exactly! Like sometimes you just get sick of the outrageous humor, or sick of predictable romance or alllllll the action/fights/epicness all the time. Sometimes I just wanna chill and that's why I watch shows like Mushishi or Natsume Yuujinchou because they have a slower pace and they are also episodic, so no stress about forgetting the storyline or what happened the last episodes etc. I can watch those shows anytime inbetween. 

And yes Natsume Yuujinchou has a giant wolf, which inedeed reminds a bit of Princess Mononoke! Well actually, it's a wolf trapped in a weird cats body. The cat's called Nyanko-sensei (funniest character EVER), but he can transform into his true wolf form called Madara, a powerful youkai.
And yes Mushishi is really a piece of art, very symbolic and peaceful and beautiful! You should give it a shot when you're in the mood haha. And true! Both series are a bit Ghibli like. A bit strange, otherworldly, and they revolve around spirits/youkai.

Ahhh yes heard a lot about one punch man haha! I think I might gie that a go as well at some point, but for now I'm not really in a mood for an anime like that. PLUS fully into FMA B now!!!! I'm already at episode 20 it's so addictive!! I should be doing a million other things lol. I love Roy Mustang! And in general the 2 brothers are cool, I'm curious how they will develop. Love how Al has this boyish voice while being a massive piece of armor as well haha.

Seluias Nov 20, 2017

* NOTE to previous comment as well: You actually put me on the idea of starting to watch FMA Brotherhood haha! Been wanting to watch that one for a while now, but never really found the muse for it.