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  • Joined Jan 15, 2021
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Naruto Shippuden

Jan 15, 2021

SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Just by saying that i some up half of naruto shippuden. pretty interesting story espically Obito Uchiha's SPOLIERS 1 2 3 OK i personally love his relationships with his bestfriends kakashi hatake and rin nohara its heartbreaking to see him get talk no justu'd. i love talk no justu bcuz it shows villains arent evil just to be evil they have resonable ideals. lets not talk about the war arc and kayuga  OOFF BIG L for the ending. Speaking about the ending it didnt feel right bcuz ir was hinata's ending not naruto. oh and Hinata is WaifuKage 

8/10 story
8/10 animation
10/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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