Tydrobs's avatar


  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Joined Jun 5, 2015
  • 30 / M

I started watching anime around the age of 5. I did not really know what anime was, but I knew I LOVED it! xD

Shows such as Digimon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Beyblade, Pokemon, DBZ, Cyborg 009, Cowboy Bebop, etc...

I actually don't think I can tell you the very first anime I ever watched. It might have been Gundam or Sailor Moon.

I ran into this site by accident. I had been writing a list of animes I have seen, want to see, and trying to recall the first anime I ever saw then found Anime-Planet.

I'm not SUPER active because of life, but feel free to chat with me or whatever. I ALWAYS am looking for new anime to watch.

| opportunist, dynamic |

Photographer/Videography major in the process. 

Favorite anime ever, hands down Trigun.

Life on anime

  • 52 Minutes
  • 3 Hours
  • 6 Days
  • 2 Weeks
  • 1 Month
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

84 total

I adore these characters

See all loved characters

I'm not a fan of these characters

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maochenxi May 30, 2017

Hello! I hope you have been enjoying your time on A-P!

Sianeka May 23, 2017

Thank you! Am now following you! Keep in touch and leave me a comment on my profile page any time - I'd love to hear from you more!

Sianeka May 23, 2017

Tydrobs says...  Thank you! I apologize this is two years late. I originally made this to find anime I want to watch or that was similar to what I have seen. xD


OMG, so awesome to hear from you! And, No worries - Reply whenever you can - there's no deadline and I'm not upset about delays.


Seriously - no worries. There ARE no deadlines for responses, so reply back when you can, when you want, and don't worry overmuch if it's late!  True, I'd rather hear from you sooner than later so we can continue to converse, but no penalties if you just can't get back to me right away!!!


I love this site! I find my Anime List here invaluable to help me keep note of my progress for anime I am currently watching (keeping track of which episode I am on, since I'm often in the middle of LOTS of different titles) and for noting new titles that interest me that I don't want to forget about and want to remember to check out in the future.  Then I created my current ratings system, and now even my "watched" anime on my list has great meaning for me, since my ratings now are significant to me and often help clarify my memories of a show and help me to remember just how I felt when I was watching it.


And besides my anime list being here, I will OFTEN utilize the site's recommendation database - after all, that is how I found the site in the first place.  This site always gives me good ideas of anime titles for me to watch.


Not to mention the social aspect.  There is a lively, friendly and fun community here, and I love the opportunity to talk with my fellow anime fans about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: anime!


So feel free to drop me a comment any time, with questions or just to chat…

Sianeka Jun 11, 2015

Hello and welcome to a-p!! Hope you have fun here. ^_^

kynz Jun 6, 2015

Hello and welcome to Anime-Planet! hope you'll enjoy your time here.