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Sep 9, 2022

Look, Midori is not going to be for everyone - or barely anyone in the long run of all anime fans out there. It's an ero-guro, chilling shock-horror of a film/manga. Most people are aware of this anime only due to the fact it was banned a while back in Japan. I watched this as, for some reason, it's a MAL Badges unlockable and I decided to give it a shot.

And frankly, this pales a lot in comparison to the cult whispering legends about this film. It's pretty weak; it relies almost entirely on the shock horror aspect of the source material, with abuse and such being the forefront of the entire material. Whilst we focus heavily on Midori, we only seem to focus in quick snippets about the way her new life is going - which, usually, is not in a good format. 

This could have been a strange cult classic, one of those that's so bad it's hard to watch but does so in such a delicate way it's almost required watching, but instead, it's a boring trope fest of abuse, ableism and more. Understandble to a degree with the era it's from, but disappointing and deflating. It isn't even enough to - if you can stomach the themes of the film - to make you feel melancholy and unsettled - it's just bloody, assault, abuse and weird psychic powers that make for some stunning visuals for a brief three minutes before it ends. 

Overall, extremely disappointing with the whisperings about this film, and nothing special to the ero-guro genre other than it's infamacy from being banned.

3/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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