Tsubasa9648L's avatar


  • Joined Dec 24, 2012
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Sianeka Nov 4, 2016

Hello, and thanks for adding custom lists on Anime-Planet!


The site currently utilizes privacy levels for lists, including ‘Private’ (the default value for custom lists), and ‘People who visit my profile’ for personal tracking (‘Things I plan to watch in 2016’) that your friends might want to know about, or personal challenge lists, etc. These can be seen in your profile, or everywhere across the site for those who follow you. Here’s a full writeup of the privacy levels.


Your lists have been changed to ‘People who visit my profile’ - you’ll see a small eye icon (that only you or your followers will see) next to these lists titles, because they don't list descriptions/reasons for the anime being on the list and/or they are personal-type lists. If you eventually decide to turn these into Community lists (lists with descriptive titles and explanations/reasons for each list item) feel free to change the privacy level to “Everyone” to make a list public. (A little note for each item why it made the list would be great to see!)


Community lists should almost always have a reason for each item, because the person reading will want to know why it’s good (or bad) or belongs on the list.  Listing reasons shows why THESE anime shows are included on YOUR list!


Thanks again, and let me know if you have any questions!