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OpheliaStorm Nov 18, 2018

Bernie was the best choice by a wide margin. There were only two issues: one, he's so old to the point where he could die in office at any moment, and two, his plans were way more advanced than our country will ever be and nobody will ever see his brilliance. Clinton had a better probability of winning so I would have voted for her if I could but I did prefer Bernie. I can see the argument about the local elections being more impacting than the presidential elections though I'm not sure if it's true either. This country will fail to exist soon so I'm not sure there's a point in it anymore. The electoral college was always the worst idea ever. It only exists because the government never wanted the common man to have suffrage; they tricked us into thinking every president was our choice when in actuality it isn't.

OpheliaStorm Nov 18, 2018

I agree about Shuu. I understand why you feel the way you do and respect it. I'm more than happy that you'll at least vote for POTUS. That's the best thing you could do right now. The people didn't choose Trump, the electoral college did. We need to copy Canada. An electoral college should not exist. 

OpheliaStorm Nov 17, 2018

Do you vote? If you don't, you're not participating in government and are just letting despots get elected and ruin the country. That would be taking advantage of the system and allowing the country to fall apart. You don't have to get very involved in politics, you just have to keep up with the news somewhat and cast your ballot. Voting exists for a reason you know. Doing nothing is just as bad as voting for a dictator. I honestly think people who don't vote should be fined, and if they continually ignore the fines, deported. If you just hate all the candidates or you're poor and can't get a ride or use technology to register, then you can't get in trouble for every once in a while, but if you refuse to vote despite the repercussions, Canada should take you. I know that's harsh but it's idiotic to let bad things happen in government. It makes you a selfish person. I'm not saying you are selfish or that you should get deported, but I'm just giving my piece and encouraging you to vote. The reason Mexican children got put in cages is because of voters who picked Trump to do this OR chose not to vote at all and let this happen. Don't be that one guy. You're too smart for that. Politics makes a lot of people happy. They can embrace government and make themselves useful by holding people together. That is why I want to be an immigration lawyer. I want to fix what I see on the news and understand culture, art, and language. I'm learning Spanish for this reason and plan to learn Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic. Since right now we have the most immigrants who speak those languages, it is best for me to know their language and fix our corrupt and ineffective immigration system. The travel ban stops a lot of Arab people from coming here, even for asylum, so I need to be ready to change such selfish strategies. On a completely unrelated note, I'm glad to see you understand that Shuu Ouma is a good character despite popular belief and that you like him like I do. 

OpheliaStorm Nov 10, 2018

Do you keep up with politics? Needless to say I do. Trump has gone bat sh** crazy since Tuesday's midterm elections. He has directly attacked reporters face to face for asking questions that were both necessary and respectful and he has tried to pass unconstitutional laws numerous times in regards to asylum seeking immigrants. Not just that but Republicans are being sworn in or personally declaring victory when absentee ballots have yet to be counted, and the more they count extra ballots, the more successful the liberals are, proving the corruption of the system. On the bright side, more minority candidates have been elected than in any time in history. Trump has always been crazy even when he's successful, but now that he's trapped, just watch him squirm like the lunatic he is. Once the Democrats are sworn into the house now that they have the majority, they can nullify everything he does and work on subpoenaing his a**. When that migrate caravan gets here, if he tells the soldiers to shoot them without provocation, they can literally take him out of office right then and there. Not as worried about Trump's limits as I am his supporter's limits. His supporters might have even less decorum than he does. It's already obvious that a second civil war is coming but the questions are when, how, and for how long. Sorry to go on a tangent there. There is nothing I will ever be more engaged in than politics. I'm really sorry to hear that. You're lucky he got fired. My molester didn't get in any trouble at all. They immediately let him walk free without even telling me or my family.

OpheliaStorm Nov 9, 2018

Sorry, I've been really busy with school and political issues in my country. I'm okay, thank you. How are you? Essentially we were just overly possessive of one another to the point where I would literally kill myself without him if he dumped me. I craved his affection 24/7 and subconsciously manipulated him because I had untreated mental illness. He was pretty bad too but in different ways, and neither of us were in the state to get help, so we just weren't compatible. It's a really long story. You don't have to share if you don't want to as I'm only curious, but what experience are you referring to?