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  • Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Joined Dec 22, 2011
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May 20, 2012

Durarara, aka “Let’s milk the Bacanno fans.”

When Baccano! (henceforth B!) aired in 2007, it was received as a refreshing take on action/adventure/fantasy. Its story was told in non-linear fashion that was spanning centuries, by the various individual characters, each adding something to the plot. The pacing was fast, the characters were lively, and there was satisfying closure in only 12 episodes.

So 3 years later, the same guys make Durarara!! (henceforth D!!) a story with a similar feeling. Most expected a series that would be equally good or better than B! Why? Well, it would be a newer series; that’s supposed to mean better visuals and more mature storytelling, as the scriptwriter is supposed to learn and improve as years go by. Plus, the series was now 24 episodes instead of 12; which most assumed that it would be double as complicating.

But in the end it was none of the above. Let’s start with the story for example.
-The main scenario is already less exiting than B! A creature looking for its head and street gangs feel far less interesting that mafia and alchemists trying to cheat death in a span of centuries.
-The pacing was far looser and was getting slower and slower as it went on with the second half being as fast as a snail. The double duration turned boomerang against the series, as there was nothing left to fill it with.
-The ending is not really an ending. It resolved only a small portion of the issues involved, failing to wrap things up even if it was given double the duration.
-Even the setting itself felt less interesting. B! was set in Europe and America of the 20th century, a time and place quite uncommon in anime. D!! on the other hand was… Modern Japan. How typical is that?
-I could even nag about all the fan catering. B! had a few hints with perky and good looking characters but D!! goes overboard. You are being bombarded with otaku culture, like images and quotes from other anime. One of the main characters is the “indecisive lead” archetype which I loath as it has been used to death over the past decades. No more! Some may find that easier to relate too than that of B! as there is a high chance they are actually living like that, but no thanks. We already have anime specifically for that. D!! was supposed to be about the characters and not about otaku culture.

Also, one of the things I hated the most in B! was that couple of young kids running around with their super positive mannerism, doing silly things and acting as if the world is a fairy tale. Stupid brats; they ruined all the serious moments! And just when I thought D!! would lack such characters… It brought them back! ARGH! I wanted to smash my screen when they suddenly appeared. What is this crap? Why did this series turn to Gintama? And by the way, I DON’T FIND GINTAMA TO BE FUNNY! I find it to be a stupid Shounen Jump advertisement, in a similar way this show is full of otaku pattering.

So, anyways, I leave those two aside and pretend they didn’t exist. The rest of the original characters in the series must be better than this… ARGH! Celty! An otaku’s wet dream! The dreadful Dulahan of Irish mythology turned to a chick that either runs around naked or rides a bike in tight leather while wearing a helmet with… CAT EARS?!?!? For the love of God, the characters of this series are so damn made to fan-please, it becomes retarded.

Relax, deep breath, it can’t be that bad. Looks aside, they must at least be well developed and relevant to the plot… ARGH! Not even half of them are! Since the story was left incomplete, most are there for no reason… other than stupid FAN PLEASING! So retarded!

And by the way, very few of them count as support characters to be excused not developing. Most clearly have their own side stories and not being given their own arc is nothing else but a sign of “We ran out of time and ideas” trope. In fact, you easily see how the scriptwriter is wasting time towards the end as means to end the series without doing anything with them because he knew there wouldn’t be enough time for more arcs yet refused to end the series in less than 24 episodes. Retarded cubed!

Oh well, at least the external looks of the series are nice; that is something I guess. The backgrounds are artistic, using real photos with filters to make them look distorted and dirty. And characters are drawn with almost no shading or many details, while having a big liveliness in motion and facial expressions. The dialogues are smart and the music is very pleasing, although I didn’t find anything remarkable in all that. As artistic as it looks, having photographs and shadeless characters does strike as cheap for some, while the songs are not memorable.

Bottom line, this is far inferior to B! and even if not compared to it, it has a laggy and incomplete story, plus characters that are mostly style than substance. They should have remained to the 12 episode format.

5/10 story
10/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall

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CopperMustachio Jan 31, 2020

I don't feel like you are giving this show a fair shot. A lot of your criticism should be fixed through the existence of the following seasons. Especially the bland and generic protagonist is a joy to watch later on. But I have to agree that some criticism still remains valid, the protagonists best friend bothers me more than anything. How can that 12 year old kid rule a freaking gang with an iron fist!?... On the other hand there are a lot of interesting and fun characters as well, in my humble opinion at least. Watching the villain manipulate the people around him for sheer entertainment was quite amousing. And most of that fanserive can be traced back to the setting, love it or hate it but it wouldnt feel like Tokyo without a bunch of weebs. 

I understand that it's pretty pointless to comment on this 8 year old review but I just felt like giving my opinion on the matter

annapanna Aug 28, 2012

 btw i don't want to start an argument or anything. i just wanna jnow what you think of my opinion.

i do agree with you on the thing about the animation having little to no shading and detail . my first time looking at the series , it bothered me but then i came to realize. what if it's just the art style?

compared to baccano, the series is a letdown but i think on it's own it's good. at times i did find that it seemed like the show had alot of fan pleasing in it but isn't giving the audiance what they want a good thing. i'd rather they put fanservice in than have nothing the fans wanna see.  the charecters do seem like a bunch of kids way over their heads but thats what was a feel in the series i think gave it some edge. alot of times stuff like this happens. people get into something they shouldn't have. i like seeing how they deal with being stuck in an adult world.

  in the beginning i saw how boring the main character was and i sighed but after awhile i realized the series followed the happenings around a group of individuals and not only him so i was relieved.

i am disapointed they didn't let the series stand on it's own. i guess fans have to read the light novels to find out what happens. i also watched blue excorsist and found it was rushed and completley differant from the origional manga.