SpawnOfJudas's avatar


  • United States
  • Joined May 29, 2020
  • 27 / M

Born and raised on the Disney films of the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s I always had an affinity for 2D animation. When I was a kid those films were my favorite things in the world. As an only child in a neighborhood where there weren't a lot of other children, my source of entertainment was rewatching those films over and over. I never got into 3D animation. I liked some of the early films like Toy Story, Bugs Life, and Shark Tale (yes I actually liked Shark Tale as a kid I'm sorry), but none of them gave me the same feeling as the 2D films. I also grew up with the late 90s/early 2000s Nick/Disney Channel/Toon Disney/Cartoon Network. While the animation wasn't as pretty as the animation in movies they were still unique and wonderfully entertaining. But there was one line I never crossed as a kid. I never got into anime. Now, I did watch a couple of episodes of Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh because that's what the "cool" kids did, but I never really liked it. I thought that and Digimon were the only type of anime out there. I watched Spirited Away when I was young too on my dad's friend recommendation. I hated it though. Maybe it was the English dub, or maybe I was too young to understand. I also watched Howl's Moving Castle and liked it, and Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland. I didn't understand they were both anime. As I got older I noticed the quality of 2D animation drop on TV. Films just stopped producing 2D films. I was at a loss. One of my favorite things in the world was gone. I gave up on the animation industry. Many years later after reaching rock bottom in my personal life, I became a Buddhist. I started to study the east more. Then COVID happened. I was still in college at the time thanks to various reasons from my personal life. The school was let out, I lost my job and couldn't get a new one, and nobody wanted to socialize anymore. It was like being a kid again all over. Then a friend of mine who was into anime told me to watch Deathnote. I had heard of the anime before, but as I said I thought all anime was just Japanese shows with thousands of episodes of filler made to sell toy products thanks to Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon. But I eventually gave it a try. I turned on Death Note... And finished the series in two days. Then I started another and another. Now as I am writing this on august thirteenth twenty twenty I have about finished ninety different series in just a matter of months. It's as if I found something from my childhood that I knew I was always missing. Not only that but there's lots of anime made for adults or young adults that are great too. And the animation is mostly superb. Not quite the level of the old Disney films, but still beautiful. There's so much love in most of the anime I've seen. More love than what I see in American entertainment today. To me, American entertainment exists for two reasons these days: one to make money or two to make a political statement. It's rarely just about having fun anymore. But with anime, I see so much fun and happiness in the episodes and movies. I plan on moving to Japan one day now, one to be closer to other Buddhists, two to take in the beautiful and relaxing views, three to embrace a culture that I feel more connected to than my own, four for the love of their language (I'm a subs guy, sorry dubbers), and five out of the appreciation of the entertainment (Both tv/movies and their literature) they've given me in probably one of the most difficult and dark times in my life. This got deeper than I expected. But uh nice to meet you! Thanks for finding my page! 

Life on anime

  • 47 Minutes
  • 9 Hours
  • 5 Days
  • 0 Weeks
  • 1 Month
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

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