Shiftyblook's avatar


  • Wales
  • Joined May 28, 2015
  • 28 / M

My Dragon Ball Z Movie Rankings

In a ranking of favourite to least favourite, all of the Dragon Ball Z movies I've watched. Specifically Dragon Ball Z movies only, so TV Specials, OVAs and Dragon ball or Dragon ball GT movies do not count.

Shifty's 2022 Watched Anime List

Here's a list of every anime I've watched in 2022, ranked from best to least best. For this list, I'll only be including movies, series, OVAs and TV Specials. Music videos, adverts, or shorts won't be included, unless I feel like...

Shifty's 2023 Watched Anime List

Here is a list of every anime and anime movie I've watched in 2023; ranked from best to least best. For this list, I will only be counting TV and Web anime, movies, and OVAs. Music videos, shorts, and commercials will not be...