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  • Joined Nov 25, 2017
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This review covers JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) and Stardust Crusaders.

Sorry. This show is lame. Having said that, I understand that I am the outlier. Everyone seems to love this series.

Was very excited to watch JoJo, especially after noticing that it was the first ever positive review I'd seen by ThatAnimeSnob ( Now I'm fully convinced he's just a troll. OK. That all aside, why I can't stand it:

It's not the levity, it's not the goofiness of it that bothers me. Usually those things make a series better. It's the episodic nature of this series that harkens back to a time of anime that predates DragonBallZ. Every episode can stand on its own and is exactly the same as the episode before and after it. Bad guy appears, good guy struggles, bad guy pulls a trick, good guy pulls out a greater trick and wins. This happens every single episode. There's never a prolonged buildup or drama. Everything takes place in a single episode and nothing takes place.

Last gripe: When they introduced the "Stands" ability in Stardust Crusaders...I was done.

It's like watching Power Rangers or Thunder Cats.

There's nothing wrong with that, if that is the only thing on television at a particular time and the animation hasn't been seen before...but we are passed that.

This sort of formulae leaves no room to care for any particular character for any length of time, and honestly I forgot the "overarching plot" by the time I was halfway through this series.

It's simply not good. I must be missing something. That's it.

3/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
4.3/10 overall
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