Scalpelexis's avatar


  • Prague
  • Joined Aug 8, 2017
  • 36 / M


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KawaiiSB01 Mar 29, 2019

Thanks For Reading my Bio With fun !!(*≧▽≦)

KarinXOXO Feb 10, 2019

It has been awhile, baby, since I have posted here so I figured I would write something saying that I am thinking of you go to look at your feed to see all my posts I have done for WECO! :P

Hope all is well, honey bunny!

Fluffs Jan 16, 2019

Something we both need more of

voghamy Jan 15, 2019

Oh! That's a nice story you got there! I fully understood it so no worries, I know how it feels being insecure about a language and speaking with someone that's been raised talking in said language. I was there, when my english was pretty bland! But I'm glad you managed to put your insecurities aside and talked with me in spanish! Either way, I still live here! I'm planning on moving out in a future, I'm not the biggest fan of Argentina, lmao! Our country definitely could be better right now. But anyways! It certainly is a small world, haha.

I hope you have a nice day too! :)

voghamy Jan 13, 2019

Oh my god, I just read your bio and saw that you lived in Argentina! I'm actually from there, haha. I'm wondering, how and when did you start living there? I'm super curious, lol. Supongo que sabés español, ¿no? Si querés podés hablar en español o inglés, lo que se te haga más fácil. (Puede que me haya confundido y seas de Argentina y no te hayas mudado, ya veremos).