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Saiyuki Reload Blast

Sep 29, 2019

this is my first review but I felt that I had to give my opinion on this matter since it had some potential note that I have not watched/read previous entries

story: seems like your typical adventure in a journey to the west type of style  which is one of the tags(shocker I know) but it feels like this time around they are trying to implement drama into the overall plot(i am assuming that without knowing previous entries of this series that there were no TONS OF BLOOD and SERIOUS TONE to the story in previous entries) ,

this whole anime seems like a Background memory plot fill instead of seeing a story of current occurrences and its progression we see memories of stories untold which is a problem of its own but I am not going to watch previous entries because of that ,sure we see our protagonists moving from village to village but there are no distinguishing features for the villages plot-wise, they get to the village need to solve a problem related to demons get supplies/smiles and move to the next point even those short stories of each village are rushed to the point of no care.

in some points of the anime, there is this white dragon but we don't even see any interactions with it like it doesn't exist and more like an accessory that sometimes the animator forgets to put in the frame.

some stuff is redundant like that mountain climbing scene they have climbed the mountain to get to their objective but the next episode they have their humvee again at first that didn't make even more sense since I didn't know who could drive it but then it made sense but still there was no point in climbing that cliff if the humvee could get to their destination without climbing (unless the humvee could also climb and somewhy decided to climb a different mountain)

many many things are not explained in this anime and are simply referential to previous entries.

animation: seems fine honestly nothing to complain about there are more pressing issues here and I think some of the reviews confuse bad performance with animation which is supposed to be in the overall section in the template of the reviews on this site.

sound: the sound was quite bad sometimes muffled most of the time unnoticeable even the voice acting was muffled not to say that the voice acting was bad(wasn't impressive either) but somewhy sometimes it was muffled.

characters: pretty generic you can actually feel like they are from an old anime although in this case more fleshed out since the whole anime was basically a background story filler for the main characters and some of the sub-characters

overall: this whole anime feels like it was trying to capture an old spark from previous entries but also giving it a more serious gruesome tone but it fails to combine those two but overwriting what (probably) made the previous entries good with its serious tone of killing "filler mobs" and previous experiences of the characters and their emotional stance , the edition of the blood splatter is overused and doesn't contrast well with the character's behavior reminds me of "pyro's" vision from TF2 and he's an insane delusional pyromaniac.

not very much enjoyable to watch but if you are a fan it probably gives you some plot points to fill in the gaps even if some were simply made just to intensify the story by simply adding more drama.

3/10 story
8/10 animation
4/10 sound
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
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