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  • Joined Jul 9, 2020
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jypsel Jul 9, 2020

Hello!  Welcome to Anime-Planet.   It’s great to have you here! \(★^∀^★)/

There is a lot to do on A-P!  If you'd like to get involved, please feel free to check out the forums.  You can find a lot of interesting things there, from writing your opinions on currently airing episodes, to watching an anime with a group of others on the site and talking about it. 

There are many clubs on the forums. One would be the FYAB (Find Your Anime Buddy) club and I've joined a few times.  It's really very fun and I've been introduced to anime I never would've seen before.  There is also DTAB, which stands for Damn, That Anime is Bad and that is a really fun club to get involved in too!  I have been introduced to some awful anime there but it's so fun to talk about it with others and laugh together.  They are currently doing the Eleven Deadly Sins Challenge for Summer 2020. 

They also have a Bingo Challenge going on that I've just joined, too.  I've never done it before, but it seems awesome! 

If forums aren't for you, I hope you enjoy the site for tracking anime in geenral, joining anime challenges, checking out lists, sharing your anime opinions and more. (⌒▽⌒)☆

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or if you simply want to chat, I always love talking about anime and life in general.  I hope you enjoy your time here. :)